Along with the interior and utilities, the resort landscape garden plays an important and decisive role in the success of the entire design. The 7 most beautiful resort landscape garden design models in 2022 below will help you get more ideas for your investment plan.

Whether you attract potential customers depends greatly on you creating a resort space, a resort design that is impressive and comfortable. Many functional areas in the design of the resort outdoor area that you need to pay attention to such as

  • Pool landscape.
  • Outdoor dining area.
  • Outdoor resort by the beach (if it is a resort near the sea)
  • Restaurants, outdoor cafes at night (if any)
  • Garden in the resort.
  • Balcony, terrace.
  • Internal traffic.

Beautiful resort landscape garden design

The most beautiful resort landscape garden design model 2022

Oasis model

Landscape design, oasis-style garden design inspired by green space like an oasis in the desert, the main design ideas are: artificial lakes, streams, waterfalls... As one of the models Widely applied in the design of mountain resorts, the area inside the resort to increase space and visibility for resort guests.

This design style means that having water is life, so everything is born naturally according to the water source, bringing a wild, natural and cool feeling.

Oasis style

Warm and close space of Asian style

Asian style is often towards meditation, peace. The landscape has harmony and balance creating a sense of security and relaxation for people. Focusing more on natural elements, trees, foresight and freshness, this is a landscape model attracting foreign tourists that is very popular nowadays.

The main idea is to use stone and sand in combination with bonsai trees to create harmony with the surrounding bamboo structures. The design brings local colors, creating a feeling of comfort and relaxation for customers.

Asian style

Latin/Arabic landscape model

Latin style is expressed in the enclosed landscape space around the fountain or a central courtyard.

In resort landscape design, the colors in the landscape are often colorful combined with surface materials such as stones, decorative bricks with alternating high hanging pots.

Latin style

Create romantic French resort gardens

When it comes to the French resort landscape, people immediately think of the statue garden. The landscape has a clear contrast in light and dark, emphasized by elements such as waterfalls, lakes, and artificial streams.

Due to the aristocratic style, the scene shows the supremacy of man over nature, not harmony, gentleness and romance like some other styles.

Resort landscape design with romantic French garden

Landscape with a hint of renaissance style

To make the resort a place of relaxation and entertainment, the renaissance-themed landscape incorporates various elements such as fountains, flowers, statues, canals. At the same time, it is also created with architectural elements such as balconies, stairs, and archways to create more accents for the space.

The space is decorated by trees that are often trimmed in a uniform block such as round, square, triangle.

Renaissance style

Contemporary garden for modern resorts

This style is inspired by Northern Europe, includes something of an English garden, combined with a bit of modern architecture. Materials of contemporary architecture are also included in this theme, such as concrete, wood, metal and glass.

This type of design is also a multi-dimensional blend of proportions and space with innovative colors and light.

Contemporary style resort landscape design

Simulation of British architecture

Inspired by the British landscape, the English garden has poetic beauty, carefully designed based on aesthetic standards.

Designing the resort landscape in the style of an English garden

Important notes when choosing the right resort landscape model

An ideal resting space will make customers feel comfortable, sophisticated and classy. Connectivity and seamlessness in the customer experience are extremely important. Therefore, when planning the design for the landscape, determine the dominant style of the resort. Combine colors, furniture, decorative accessories and improve service quality.

The main purpose when designing and building the resort landscape is to help balance the resort space, while taking advantage of nature. For locations with sea view, river view or eye-catching hilly landscape will add beauty to the resort.

Resort landscape design helps to balance resort space

In the design and construction of the resort, the natural landscape is the backdrop, the inspiration that creates the attraction for the whole resort. Note that when designing a resort, it is necessary to pay attention to the direction, vision, neighborhood planning, and solutions to take advantage of the available natural advantages.

External architectural landscapes such as walkways, lights, steps, entrance gates, etc. help to increase the usability of the resort landscape. Architectural landscape brings advantages for people in harmony with nature.

An important part of ensuring a seamless interior and exterior experience is choosing the right dominant color palette. Blue tones can make people feel more relaxed, suitable for resort scenes. Or playful color palettes, along with trendy, modern decor details are also available.

Designing the garden, the landscape and the interior of the resort is an activity that needs unity and close association with each other. And make sure you choose an experienced design unit that skillfully applies knowledge of nature, geography, and understands the lifestyle and culture of local residents into the design.

Source: conbuom

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